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Monday, April 28, 2008

This is from a MySpace bulletin posted by my good buddy Carl. Of all people, Carl? I knew I kept you around for a good reason =D

This is a letter from an Austin Texas woman sent to American company Proctor and Gamble regarding their feminine products.

She really gets rolling after the first paragraph.

It's PC Magazine's 2007 editors' choice for best webmail-award-winning letter.

Dear Mr. Thatcher,

I have been a loyal user of your 'Always' maxi pads for over 20 years and I appreciate many of their features. Why, without the LeakGuard Core or Dri-Weave absorbency, I'd probably never go horseback riding or salsa dancing, and I'd certainly steer clear of running up and down the beach in tight, white shorts. But my favorite feature has to be your revolutionary Flexi-Wings. Kudos on being the only company smart enough to realize how crucial it is that maxi pads be aerodynamic. I can't tell you how safe and secure I feel each month knowing there's a little F-16 in my pants.

Have you ever had a menstrual period, Mr. Thatcher? I'm guessing you haven't. Well, my time of the month is starting right now. As I type, I can already feel hormonal forces violently surging through my body. Just a few minutes from now, my body will adjust and I'll be transformed into what my husband likes to call 'an inbred hillbilly with knife skills.' Isn't the human body amazing?

As Brand Manager in the Feminine-Hygiene Division, you've no doubt seen quite a bit of research on what exactly happens during your customer's monthly visits from 'Aunt Flo'. Therefore, you must know about the bloating, puffiness, and cramping we endure, and about our intense mood swings, crying jags, and out-of-control behavior. You surely realize it's a tough time for most women.

The point is, sir, you of all people must realize that America is just crawling with homicidal maniacs in Capri pants... Which brings me to the reason for my letter.

Last month, while in the throes of cramping so painful I wanted to reach inside my body and yank out my uterus, I opened an Always maxi-pad, and there, printed on the adhesive backing, were these words: 'Have a Happy Period.' Are you f------ kidding me? What I mean is, does any part of your tiny middle-manager brain really think happiness - actual smiling, laughing happiness, is possible during a menstrual period? Did anything mentioned above sound the least bit pleasurable? Well, did it, James? FYI, unless you're some kind of sick S&M freak, there will never be anything 'happy' about a day in which you have to jack yourself up on Motrin and Kahlua and lock yourself in your house just so you don't march down to the local Walgreen's armed with a hunting rifle and a sketchy plan to end your life in a blaze of glory.

For the love of God, pull your head out, man! If you have to slap a moronic message on a maxi pad, wouldn't it make more sense to say something that's actually pertinent, like 'Put down the Hammer' or 'Vehicular Manslaughter is Wrong',

Sir, please inform your Accounting Department that, effective immediately, there will be an $8 drop in monthly profits, for I have chosen to take my maxi-pad business elsewhere. And though I will certainly miss your Flex-Wings, I will not for one minute miss your brand of condescending bullshit. And that's a promise I will keep.

Always. . .

Wendi Aarons
Austin , TX

Hahahahaha! Hells to the yeah!
posted by Jenni @ 9:23 PM   1 comments
Hahahaha! Why? I always get the "I should have done something then" and the "I really miss you now" but always a little too late. Now, not without warning. Someone try to contest that and say I never warned you that you'll miss me someday. Oh, the frustrations of always falling for someone that can't fall for me as much until favorable conditions exist. Really, this blog can't be about one particular person, because there's too many of you guys now, and I say you guys, because I see you all still read this blog. Hi, hello!

Sometimes it just seems easier to say "I'll go to the one that loves me best." And some days I think there should be an application process where you write down your skills and qualifications and if someday I find that you misrepresented yourself, I can fire you without question. I'm so fucking tired of always accepting being second best, someone please come along and save me.

And yes, we all know, I am crazy, illogical, and overly dramatic, but I'm sure someone somewhere is looking for just that. So, I guess I sit and wait. Until then, Missy Higgins anyone?

And for those who don't know what realizing you don't matter feels like, it's like having an invisible hand choking you but inside your skin between your actual throat and your neck and that almost sneezing feeling you get in your nose that makes you all teary eyed, but your brain is so blank your eyes don't know what to do next so you just stare at whatever your face was already pointing at at the time. And your arms go all tingly numb, and your stomach gets all tense like someone is sitting on it. And time goes by and all you can think of is how hard and how long you've probably been clenching your teeth for. So, yeah, it's not fun.
posted by Jenni @ 1:55 PM   5 comments
The most disturbing bit of news today.

posted by Jenni @ 9:29 AM   0 comments
Saturday night was a bast (of what I can remember). Adam, Dave, Danielle and I started out at The Shamrock to see Spirit of the Stairs. Cool band. Also, went to Pumphouse. Bumped into The Ex, and it did not turn out as bad as could be expected. Well, stories for those that are privy to it, and everyone else gets what I just got done typing. =D Also bumped into Nick Bundy, Ryan Magno and others. I love going out. I love seeing people. It is so much so my swirl. Adam allowed me to drink without the responsibility of driving. I think that's how I went a bit overboard. Poor Adam. He is very good at taking care of me though. When we finally got up this afternoon he forced me out of bed to get food. We went to Shorty Smalls and had lunch plus milk shakes. Yummy! Got back to the house, napped (real nap) some more and then he ordered us some pizza and buffalo wings (my hang over meal) as we watched Indiana Jones.

I finally left and retired being baby around 9ish to face reality. I took two online quizes tonight, and basically chat with Eli (who is in Colorado) until 1ish. It just turned 2am and I'm barely sleepy. Must be all the napping I accomplished this weekend.

Well, I've been browsing YouTube most of the night, and I'm out of things to browse. This is right around when I put my favorite song of the day on the blog to replay over and over until I fall asleep. Tonight's big winner is Missy Higgins and Scar. Woohoo! (Yes, I know I've already shared this before, but it's my blog so flip off.)

posted by Jenni @ 1:53 AM   0 comments

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Today was an awesome day for house arrest. Woke up and found Becky had texted the "Call me when you get this" mystery message. Called her immediately and panicked asking "When did you send that?" It was only 10 minutes prior. We are so psychically connected. Hahahaha! We had about an hour long catch up conversation, despite poor Adam still in bed occasionally grumbling and throwing things at me. Later in the afternoon I got the sarcastic "You tell Becky EVERYTHING" referring to the incessant gabbing he desperately tried to sleep through but miserably failed at. Poor Bebi! Anyway, since I got up early and caught him up on his laundry I demanded that he go pick me up another Arby's meal. Of course, butthead went to La Monde and ate by himself because he's too good for fast food, but whatevs.

During most of the afternoon he messed around with his electronic toys. (No one get perverted yet, not those type of toys, just musician toys, pedals, and such.) Anyway, after I had sufficiently feigned interest I proceeded to shower and "nap." *wink*wink* The nap was great (both times), and got me all pumped up for the night ahead. Unfortunately, it seems the weather has taken a turn for the worse. Rain and wind have taken over. Ah, Kansas! Tonight was the night we were supposed to go out with Adam's sister too. Poo!

Well, atleast the band is using this time productively. Currently they are downstairs practicing, and I don't know why but I think they have gone to playing the Team America theme song. WTF?! This is too hilarious!

Anyway, I'm sitting upstairs at Adam's desk trying to wait out the storm. I'm all dressed up already. Damn it!

Ah, and I took a personality quiz on Facebook last week. I thought all it consisted of were statistics on where I fell percentage wise on the 5 personality traits that it lists. Apparently it also comes with a personality disorder diagnosis. This was pointed out by Eli, and he mentioned how right on it was. I went back to look and I agree whole heartedly. Who would have thunk it? Behold!


BTW, I looked up histrionic just to be a bit more versed with my own disorder.
–adjective Also, his·tri·on·i·cal.
1. of or pertaining to actors or acting.
2. deliberately affected or self-consciously emotional; overly dramatic, in behavior or speech.

3. an actor.


Okay, I think they are taking a break, this should be my time to sneak a smoke it. Ciao!
posted by Jenni @ 9:21 PM   0 comments

Friday, April 25, 2008

Adam and I trid to figure out a specific date when we got together, but couldn't. It's my fault. I remember he said something about dating and I corrected him and said "We're not dating, we're talking" or something to that effect. Of course afterwards I went whining to Jennifer about how I was already "dating" someone and fucked it up =D. So it took a minute before we could get back there. Ah. So to get an official date we scanned through my blackberry and tried to find the most logical point of officiality and I think we agreed on March 16th which is the day I was "Tooken Via SMS". But it seems like forever ago! Probably because we manage to bicker like old married people. Bleh!

So, this whole week was not as productive as I had wished. Monday I spent doing all my catch up homework for Astronomy, and then went to class to find out that there was an exam that night. Thank God I read almost every chapter so I was pretty much prepared. Tuesday I started cleaning, threw my bedsheets and comforter in the wash. Of course, all lazily so I didn't get a lot of cleaning accomplished. I also drove to El Dorado to drop off the Relay for Life moneys. Then I met Adam for dinner and then went to class. After class went to Adam's and spent the night. Wednesday I had a doctor's appointment early in the afternoon, and Jennifer was feeling sick so after that I went straight to their house to hang out with her and the kids. She made me spam and rice. That was awesome. I think that is the best reason to visit her. That night I spent at Adam's again.

Thursday, yesterday, I was going to stay at home and finish most of my to-do's. Around mid-afternoon Eli offers me tickets to the Midwest Winefest. I guess he had got the tickets for his mom and she wasn't feeling good. So I went and picked the tickets up from Eli from his work, and got Adam and from 5:30pm we were walking around touring downtown. It was actually pretty fun. Let me see if I can go through the walk - we started at Loft 150, then Playa Azul, then Indigo, skipped Heroes to go to Torre's because they had Chianti, went to Kansas Sports Hall of Fame, Uptown Bistro, Oscar's at Warren (this is where it started hitting me that I was getting buzzed), then City Arts, then Cafe Moderne, then Marriott and then Liquid. We skipped a few places like Brickyard and Oeno but only because of convenience and lack of interest. Eleven places in all though, that's a lot of wine. And each place had fingerfoods. My most memorable would have been the stuffed mushrooms from Loft 150 and the baby-what-were-those form Playa Azul. Oh, and the gelato from Cafe Moderne. It was awesome. I'm so glad Adam is the type of person that enjoys doing stuff like that. So far, he's my going to see local bands buddy (except certain bands that he does not want to see), my walking stupid trails buddy, my reading books at night buddy, and now my winefest buddy. Soon I hope to be cosmosphere and zoo buddies too.

Anyway, there's more left over to do today. I have to pack for the overnight Relay for Life, and most likely pack for the rest of the weekend so I'm not driving between three different cities. By 5pm I'll be setting up for Relay for Life, the walk starts at 7pm. The even itself ends by 7am. I think after that Phi Tetta members will have a breakfast together and then go to the Poverty Simulation starting at 9am. That ends at noon, at which point I'm hoping to see if Adam will harbor me at his house and allow me to shower. His sister is supposed to be in town and I think we are all going out. Sunday back to the grind stone and another math quiz. I have three papers still to write. Thursday is an officer's meeting and then a member's meeting for Phi Tetta. Friday, is an Officer Workshop that they say is required for me to attend. Friday night is Adam's band's show. Saturday I have to be at the Wichita Art Museum between 12:30pm - 3pm to find an artwork to write my term paper on, the time is basically when my professor will be there. Ugh! And of course, the week after that is finals week. Woohoo!

Okay, I better get started before I ovderwhelm myself completely. Below is the music vid I've been trying to get Adam to watch. But I think he's a bit of a music snob so I'll just force it upon everyone else. I keep telling him that song is almost about him except he's not a girl. Especially the part that goes "wants to make love when I want to fight" because he does. Well he always does I guess, hmmm...

posted by Jenni @ 11:49 AM   0 comments

Monday, April 21, 2008

I made sure to turn my alarm off planning on sleeping in today, also, considering that I didn't get to bed until past midnight last night. This morning, my new sleeping in time is...6:30am. Hahahaha! Adam would be so proud. Last night he told me to make a to-do list, so maybe right now is a good time.

To-Do List:
  • Eat. (Feeling hungry already.)

  • Do my Astronomy homework for the rest of the sem.

  • Write Astronomy paper.

  • Get picture of last week's highlight art for Art Class.

  • Pick up my cap and gown from the bookstore.

  • Confirm the actual time for graduation.

  • Submit the Relay for Life moneys.

  • Make copies of Phi Theta posters and post them.

  • Get sleeping bag and such for Relay for Life.

  • Learn how to use my graphing calculator.

  • Start studying for my math final.

  • Clean room, and closet.

  • Drop off DAV donations.

  • Start running.

  • Build Voltron.

For your viewing pleasure - the formation of Voltron:

Alright I think I've killed enough time. Currently, blogging and catching up on The HIlls. Which reminds me that Adam does not like TV. So weird right? I don't know. Everyone knows how big I am on TV, even when I don't have time to watch it I still catch up online like this morning, and I am the bestest at recap. What will I do with a boy that doesn't want to listen to my recaps. He is so almost perfect. =D

By the way, the weekend recap, goes as such - Friday got up way early, excited about my last day of work. Heard from Spherion and was advised that I will be coming back to work July, so that put a little cap on my unemployment, and instead of feeling boredom I felt a deadline AGAIN. Ugh! Pressure, pressure! Get everything caught up, make sure I graduate, and make everything not as hectic for next tax season. I swear I am almost dying. Either way Carl took some time out of his day off to come to work and get me, and take me to Sumo for lunch. It was the bestest lunch. After lunch, I was curled up at my desk trying to nap. The tax party was immediately after work, got Adam and during the drive to, realized that I didn't even bother asking him if he wanted to go. Der! I guess I just sort of said "On this day, such and such, that is what we are doing." I am a spaz! It was fun though, especially after Matt and Jen got there. Adam liked them tons, especially Matt. Weirdos!

Saturday morning woke up with a bit of a sugar spell. Adam let me indulge in Arby's. I'm slowly trying to let him see how much of a fast food junkie I really am. After eating we went to Borders and Adam read his magazines. He was so cute! In the arm chair, with his coffee, trying to be all smart! Hahahaha! I also took my first shower at his house, and almost got burnt to death. Stupid shower! I had to get out, holler at Adam and get rescued, with shampoo and everything still in my hair. It was embarassing! In my defense though, if he had just taken the shower with me, I would not have needed rescue, he could have been there to do water temperature control the whole time. Yep, it's his fault. Also, his bassist, Danielle, needed help with hair coloring stuff and asked me to assist. Adam went and got food while we were doing that junk. By the time we got done and joined the guys downstairs there was some attitude that had formed. I don't know what that was about, but maybe I should not have said out loud what I thought it was in front of his boys. I think I possibly embarassed him, but if I did he hasn't said. There is something amiss with that boy. Perhaps I am bossier than necessary and I should give him his balls back before I get a full on revolt. Perhaps. I'm still undecided.

For Saturday night we went to the Green Derby to watch Signum and Tainted. We only actually caught part of Signum's show but still fun. Adam, Zach, Dave and I played a couple games of pool. After a bit everyone decided to bail. Dave and Danielle hit downtown, and Zach, Adam and I decided to call it a semi early night.

Sunday morning woke up early but somehow kept finding myself back asleep. Adam and I actually stayed in bed until about 2pm I think. How about that for sleeping in? Adam and I went to Johnny Carino's for lunch, and then chilled back at the house where I attempted to start learning how to play the guitar. I will volunteer the fact that I suck at it. That's all.

Got home Sunday night and pigged out on Mom's home cooking, which I so miss after every weekend. I ate, napped, took my math quiz, talked to Adam, ate an ice cream sandwich and feel asleep.

Tons of fun stuff. Tons of trivial stuff. Tons of nothing stuff. Tons of stuff to look forward to. This week with the to-do list is going to be enough so I don't even know how much real blogging I will get done. I hope I've over compensated enough with this blog. It was much easier when I was stuck at work. Also, someone remind me to remind Adam about this weekend. Friday April 25th by 7pm I have to be ar the Relay for Life site in El Dorado, which is an overnight event until 7am the next morning, after that I have a Poverty Simulation to do by 9am in Andover. That means I won't be able to spend Friday night with my bebi, and I'm already going through withdrawals. Poor poor me! But maybe since that past couple of weekends have been jam packed we can finally have a lazy one and maybe finally go to the zoo. Maybe.

Okay, gonna go start my day. Wish me luck and don't hesitate to check up on me.
posted by Jenni @ 7:15 AM   1 comments

Friday, April 18, 2008

Looked into my daily dose of news. Lots of havoc with the Olympic torch passing through Japan, news about people hating on China, Zimbabwe ex-patriates protesting in South Africa, and all of that dims in comparison to the Sex In the City movie =D.

posted by Jenni @ 9:51 AM   0 comments

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sitting at work bored out of my mind. w00t! Bebi went home to wait for FedEx to deliver his new guitar. Don't know how many guitars he has but supposedly his entire life has lead up to THIS guitar. There goes my blue mini van and simple suburban married life. Anyway, waiting for him to get back to work so I can get more distraction through IM.

Got email that adopt-a-highway program has been postponed for next weekend. That leaves me able to sleep in Saturday, which I'm sure Adam will not object to. Saturday is his best friend's birthday though, and something something about KC. Adam, I think, wants to go, but since I'm one day out of being unemployed, it's probably not a good idea for me. We'll see.

I keep getting distracted by nothing. I wish I brought my astrononmy book in so I can do some homework. My instructor emailed me the list of assignments for the whole semester. I would love to get those done.

Okay will blog more later. Seriously have no motivation today.
posted by Jenni @ 12:47 PM   0 comments

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

So, today was no fun. I did, however, get a lot of catch up homework done and organizing done. For the rest of the day, here's what's left:
  • Stay a little after 5 to decorate my coworker's cube for his bday.
  • Go over to Adam's, grab dinner and hang out until band practice.
  • Go home when they start practice and get ready for tomorrow's work day.
  • Grab stuff for tomorrow's food day.
  • Tomorrow is work, and after work I'm doing my nails and getting stuff ready for Friday.
  • Friday is work and the tax party, (and Adam's bassist bday too I guess.)
  • Saturday from 9am - 12pm I'll be in El Dorado doing the Adopt-A-Highway program.
  • Saturday night we are going to watch bands play.

Woohoo! Right? I have tons of catch up with my math class, a paper to write for astronomy and art. A Relay For Life walk to get ready for. My mind to lose, if it's not been lost already. Tons of stuff to do and do. I should maybe write these down.

Nah, I have 12 more minutes to keep surfing through news sites. I'll do that instead. =D
posted by Jenni @ 4:43 PM   0 comments
This one I bumped into while trying to do research for my astronomy paper. Finding conditions in another planet that might be able to support life. This is awesome news, and perfect for a final paper. Woohoo!

posted by Jenni @ 4:32 PM   0 comments
Yes, I am speechless too.

posted by Jenni @ 4:28 PM   0 comments

Monday, April 14, 2008

On the couch at Adam's with a laptop on my lap, (this was what they were intended for - not a desk) and my Lambic on one hand. This leaves me one other hand to type with, but I bet I'm still faster than most, HTML tags and all. Thank you, Mavis Beacon!

They are practicing again, and someone needs to remind me to get some damn earplugs. Getting better, the rythm guitarist is slowly catching up. This is looking promising. Yay! Hahahaha! This benefits me none, I guess I just enjoy playing chearleader. I need an effing hobby.

Especially since my employment ends this week, but not soon enough. I need to concentrate on my classes and ensure my graduation. I'm hoping I'm not too late. This tax season took a lot out of me. If I can pull through this graduation, I'll take a much deserved summer off. If not, I'll keep on the grind stone, with no one to blame but myself, the IRS and Uncle Sam :P. Of course, I'm sure after two weeks I'll be itching to work again out of sheer boredom, but the best scenario is making it through this semester and going back to work in July to start the new tax season. Unless, of course, I manage to snag a more stress free job that pays close if not better. (Hi, Ching!)

I think I'll start up a new website and get myself a life. Outside of work, school, and Adam. Give myself a reason to get out there, and write again. Ah, and I think I have enough poems to start getting ready for a new book. If only I can find them. They are strewn about my room I'm sure, in little crooks in crannies. Most of the time I write it's out of frustration, so I grab whatever writing utensils are close, and whatever I can write on, vomit on them and then throw them off in disgust. I'll find them. If I can measure angles and calculate distance based on speed and trajectory. I can CSI my room and find them all.

All in good time, right now I need a cigarette. I'll blog more at work tomorrow.

P.S. Sorry, Eli, for messing with your head today. I hope that teaches you not to give me random shix again. BTW, we were going to go for 5, but we decided not to be show offs. Then again, night's still young :D
posted by Jenni @ 9:14 PM   1 comments

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Not much to report on. I don't remember what Friday night was but I do remember noting happened. Saturday went to work and then to Liquid. That wasn't much better than Friday. Today the most fun was laundry and watching movies on TV. Yay, for Jen!

I just bombed an online exam tonight. Tomorrow, after work, I'll be playing catch up with my Astronomy class. Which means, I'll be packing the laptop with me in the morning and watching Astronomy DVDs before class. There will be a quiz tomorrow night. Tuesday morning before work I plan on take the make-up exam for my Art class, then work, then the actual class that night. Wednesday will be work, and finding something to bring in for food day on Thursday. Thursday is work and hopefully having some time to just relax in front of the TV and maybe do my nails. Then Friday night will be the after tax party, which now I am no longer looking forward to. Weekends are more dreadful than weekdays and it sucks.

This is put here because I've listened to it 20 times already tonight, and it makes me feel better. I plan on listening to it atleast 6 more times before falling asleep. This makes for easy access.
posted by Jenni @ 11:05 PM   3 comments

Thursday, April 10, 2008

And despite that fact, I am still okay. I may not be "bad ass" but it's is fairly hard to break me. After all this, the story I'm not going through again(except one more time for Becky,) I've realized one thing - People can play games, and people can play dense, and they can all play on. I'm honest with my emotions, I'm honest with my thoughts, and screw anyone who can't handle that or can't match it. Shazam! There's your dose of insight into my soul.

Shix, again! I was ready to all blog my heart out, then Eli distracts me with lolcats. Must go to every page. Out!

Humorous Pictures

funny pictures

It's hard to be pissy when you have hundreds of these at your fingertips.
posted by Jenni @ 9:08 PM   1 comments

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

I've actually been feeling real icky. I think the past weekend tried to kill me. I didn't get a lot of my to-do list done, but it was still eventful.

Friday night, Adam and his band practiced while I read Bukowski upstairs. Went to bed, and I woke up early as usual. Adam begged "Please, baby" to stay sleeping until 1pm. That was fine with me, I snuck out to get his birthday present. I think he liked it. We went to Red Bean's Bayou for lunch, and by the time we got back it was time for band practice again, and I left to take a shower and get ready for the night ahead. Came back to bug Adam about running late, and help transport him and his gear to Liquid.

We got to the club at 7pm for set up, I was way hungry and we were way too early. They didn't even end up starting until 10:30pm. Thank gawd for Whiskey Creek, right beside the club, and that the Liquid crew let me bring food in. By the time I came back with my food though, his brother and sister-in-law were at the table next to where I was sitting. It was kind of awkward but atleast I finally got the nerve to atleast introduce myself, or let myself be introduced.

The show was good. Adam will cringe when he reads this and it reminds him of the night because tons of things went wrong, but it was still a great show. Maybe I'm biased, but if that's not it I know for sure I was distracted, because Bebi is sexy when he's serious. =D After the show we packed up all the stuff and headed back. We even indulged ourselves with a quick drive through McDonald's for Quarter Pounders. It was GOOD! I love fast food!

The rest of the band decided to head back to Liquid, Adam thought he'd take a shower first, but by the time he got out it was already 1am, and I don't think he wanted to head back out again anyway. That night ended up being a bit strange. He couldn't sleep, and I kept waking up randomly. We didn't end up falling asleep until past 4am.

Of course, I still woke up early-ish the next day. We "lounged around" in bed until about noonish. Adam took me to DeFazzio's for lunch, and then accompanied me to the Ulrich Museum, and to look at the sculptures on the WSU Campus. It was actually pretty entertaining.

After the art tour he decided it was a great day to keep walking and took me out to Chisolm Creek Park. Me in my four inch platforms thought "How bad could it be?" We were having fun up until I rolled my ankle, and we were only halfway around the effing park. To his defense, he offered to carry me several times, but he already makes too many remarks about me being fragile that I knew I would never hear the end of it, so I kept on walking. By the time we found the car I knew I was dying. We rewarded ourselves with Cherry Limeades and took off to deal with the rest of the day.

The rest of the day for him was dinner with his parents. Mine was just a long nap ahead. Still I woke up the next day feeling shittier than I had felt when I fell asleep. Every muscle ached, plus a very persistent cough. I missed work and school. Bebi came by after work to bring me a thermometer, popsicles, fried chicken and rice. He got to meet Mom and Dad too. He kept asking if it was common for my boyfriends to come by the house. I told him no, except for the ex. Come to think of it though, he's the only boyfriend that's ever come over voluntarily to bring me sick people stuff and take care of me. The ex used to say, "If you come over, I can take care of you" which I always thought defeated the purpose. I think Adam gets extra credit brownie points for Good Samaritanship.

Adam kills with the Brownie Point system. If I try to tally it up, it'd be:
  1. 50 automatic points for overall hotness
  2. 50 for being geeky smart
  3. 50 for being motivated and talented
  4. 20 for being patient with me
  5. 20 for being supportive
  6. 40 for letting me be his baby
  7. 70 for saying he loves me

And of course extra credit goes as follows:
  • 10 for finding good sherbert to keep around his house for me
  • 10 for coming over the house (despite having to meet my folks) to take care of me
  • 20 for all the days he puts up with my crankiness and accepts all my apologies with a smile

    I am the happiest baby ever. Despite still being horribly ill, I did actually wake up at ease, and happy this morning. I think maybe I can get used to this. And for that reason I refuse to die. As a matter of fact, I am going to try my hardest to get up and out. Maybe I can still go to work even if I'm late, but if not I will atleast get stuff accomplished. And most definitely I will be going to class. Bebi, is a private school snob, who mentioned to me yesterday, that I am not considered smart unless I graduate. I'm sure he was joking, or atleast he better be, but just in case, I should probably try a little bit harder.
  • posted by Jenni @ 9:33 AM   1 comments

    Friday, April 04, 2008

    Friday night is here. Becky is unwinding with Wayne in front of a movie. I am losing my hearing in front of Adam and his band. Is this safe for someone's eardrums? Well, I keep thinking that if they can stand it, then maybe I should be able to too. Or maybe they are all deaf already. I'll give it until I have nothing else to blog then I will be heading upstairs, to a safe hearing distance, and cuddle up to my Bukowski book. There was a time when my hearing was not a concern. Where did those days go?

    I have 2 more weeks left before I have to seriously concern myself with finding a new job. To be honest, I am not trying as hard as I should. I feel another round of unemployed days ahead. Everyone says they don't like to work, but it seems I'm the only one doing something about it =D The grown up inside says, "Suck it up." Perhaps, I will inevitably give in to the voice, and just find another gig I can swing to. But Lord, the temptation to just bum around for a week or two is so strong. I guess time will tell. Usually, after a week of nothing, I get stir crazy and motivatge myself again, so maybe I can just skip that this time around. Ah. Well, atleast I have 2 more weeks.

    So, the weekend's to-do list:

    • Survive tonight with my hearing in tact.
    • Get a bit of laundry done tomorrow morning.
    • Be the best groupie EVAR for tomorrow night.
    • Hopefully, tour the sculptures outside WSU Sunday afternoon.
    • Write my paper about the sculptures.
    • Convince Jen to let me borrow Walt's photo for Art class, and get the story behind it again.
    • Do my online quizes.
    • Get ready for Monday and the week ahead.

    Geez! Seems like a lot to do in the next two days doesn't it? Only because I do plan to sleep in. Ah, and someday soon, I much needed massage.

    That's it. My ears keep popping. Must flee the scene. Out!
    posted by Jenni @ 8:55 PM   1 comments

    And this just goes to show that everyone is just out for a free ride.
    posted by Jenni @ 8:49 PM   0 comments

    Thursday, April 03, 2008

    Gawd dammit! This shit is effin loud!

    Started the morning out with a huge migraine. Got up, got breakfast (to make sure it wasn't a sugar attack) and took two Excedrin pills. Yeah, that worked long enough for me to get ready and drive to work. Bleh.

    The only good thing about going to work is I got to pick up the rose and the note Adam left for me at the front desk. I took off to get something to eat again, convinced that since Excedrin didn't work it was a sugar attack instead of a migraine. Nothing was helping. Except finally seeing Adam and chilling with him.

    Well, now the band is practicing. And since I bought a bottle of wine and am convinced to finish my part of the bottle, I have been forced to listen. It's a good experience, I know, not because I'm obsessed with the local bands, but because now I know what to semi-expect at their next show. The live version is as would be expected from the mixes. I'm pretty excited for the show much more than ever. Adam's yelling, however, is giving up on him. The voice is still there, but the yelling is a bit off. I can't talk to him about it now, because of the loudness, but I'm sure if I forget too tomorrow, he can just read it here =D
    posted by Jenni @ 9:18 PM   1 comments

    I know I have been the happiest at your side;
    But what is done, is done, and all's to be.
    And small the good, to linger dolefully,-
    Gaily it lived, and gallantly it died.
    I will not make you songs of hearts denied,
    And you, being man, would have no tears of me,
    And should I offer you fidelity,
    You'd be, I think, a little terrified.

    Yet this the need of woman, this her curse:
    To range her little gifts, and give, and give,
    Because the throb of giving's sweet to bear.
    To you, who never begged me vows or verse,
    My gift shall be my absence, while I live;
    But after that, my dear, I cannot swear.
    posted by Jenni @ 11:16 AM   0 comments

    Wednesday, April 02, 2008

    Yes, I know, this kid is...a kid. But damn it, he's hot! I think I'll get up and take a shower now. This is all so wrong.

    Okay, okay, I'm watching it one more time and then I'll shower =D
    posted by Jenni @ 9:18 AM   2 comments

    If we applied this species of octopus' mating rituals to ours, everything starts making sense. For example:
    If the female needs to go foraging, aka shopping, the male just gets dragged along behind. =D

    Males are choosy when investing in guarding a mate, supposedly to get "the most bang for your buck," and this guy suggest you may mate with a another female on the side but not invest in mating with her. Good job guys!

    And it is even suggested that if you are another male wanting a female already guarded, you can just pretend to be another female and "get a copulation or two and then move on" then if the big male detects you, you can try to look like a female and move away quickly. Hahahaha. I have a good friend that have mastered this bit.
    posted by Jenni @ 8:39 AM   0 comments

    Tuesday, April 01, 2008

    Yesterday I went to work, did my work thing. After work I met Eli at Anchor, ate, drank and played some MegaTouch. When I left the Anchor I left for Adam's, just to leave again. Got home, crashed and here I am again almost ready to head to work. Woohoo.

    I woke up at 6am, laid around thinking. Would be nice to share this thinking activity with someone else, but it seems it's not the It thing to do these days, so I'll keep my thinking to myself. I'm not sure if it's a mood though, but somehow I woke up reevaluating everything. Things need to get sorted out. My minds is so cluttered I don't even know where to start, and I do think I'm sad about something but it seems I am unable to find my heart to verify. Oh well, right? I'm sure, crazy as I am, this will all change again in 30 minutes.

    Let's give it a go. I will lay back down for 30 minutes, and see.

    Until then a poem from 1996:

    It was a dream
    that carved itself in me.
    A Man. A promise -
    "The time will come, you'll see."
    8 years passed
    his essence remains in my soul,
    and with his absence felt
    I'm never quite whole.
    And still I wait.
    And still I seek,
    for the owner of a memory
    now grown weak.

    Thank gawd for journals, eh? So if the timeline is correct I was 8 yrs old when I had the dream and 16 when I wrote this poem. Hmmm.
    posted by Jenni @ 9:32 AM   4 comments



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